Superbowl Sunday Chili Social
The Ladies of the Catholic Women’s League invites all parishioners to a Chili Social after the February 11th Mass.
To purchase tickets, please see one of the ladies after any weekend Mass or through the parish office.
Tickets are $10.00 each.
Monthly Food Drive
blessedsacramenthamilton CWL, News
The Catholic Women’s League of Blessed Sacrament Church is starting a monthly food drive. This program is aimed at increasing food donations to Neighbour to Neighbour, our local food bank.
For the month of October, our focus is on BABY PRODUCTS AND FEMININE HYGIENE SUPPLIES. Baby wipes, diapers, feminine pads and other feminine hygiene products are just a few examples. Please drop off your donations in the narthex and help those who are in need.
Strawberry Social Sunday – June 24/25
blessedsacramenthamilton CWL, News
The ladies of the Catholic Women’s League are holding a Strawberry Social Sunday fundraiser event after both Masses on the weekend of June 24 and 25. Tickets are $5.00 each. This event is open to all parishioners and will be held in the parish hall. Come out and support the CWL of our parish and enjoy some fresh strawberries, cake and whipping cream.
Food Drive for CWL – Soup Donations Needed!
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada has started a National Food Drive program aimed at increasing food donations to local food banks. The CWL of Most Blessed Sacrament Church is participating in this food drive and we need your help!
This month our focus is on SOUP! Canned soup, dry packaged soup, any kind of soup! Please drop off your donations in the narthex and help those who are in need during the cold winter months.