Parish Pastoral Council

Purpose of the Parish Finance Committee

Our Parish Finance Committee are volunteer members of the parish including our pastor, Fr. Charlie Jordan. The Finance Committee is one of the required committees in the Roman Catholic Church– as set out by the Code of Canon Law. The Hamilton Diocese and the Code of Canon Law clarifies that the role of the Finance Committee is to support the parish priest in the management and administration of the “goods” of the parish. At Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, we work very closely with our pastor to provide leadership and recommendations on both short and long range financial planning and human resource management.

Daily Functions

Financial management from day to day of done by our Parish Office Administrator, Wendy Charlesworth. Cheques have to be signed by two assigned people. Expenses greater than $5,000 should be discussed at the Finance Committee, and expenses over $10,000 need their approval as well as the approval of the diocesan finance office. The collection is always counted by three volunteers working together, two alternating teams. The finance committee, as well as the Parish Pastoral Council, is kept “in the loop” about the financial status of the parish.  The finance committee prepares and presents the annual financial Statement to the parish, in the middle of February.

We believe that just as individual parishioners are called by God to be generous with the church and with other organizations and individuals, so the parish as an entity is also called to share. We give about 5% of our “normal” income to the 12 outreach organizations. We pay about 15 % of our normal income to the diocese for the maintenance of the various diocesan offices, for clergy retirement pensions and so on.

Special collections that go directly beyond the parish (eg: Share Lent, Pope’s Pastoral Collection, St. Vincent de Paul) usually come to an amount equal to about 15% of the normal income.  In other words, about 2/3 of our income is used within the parish, and one third goes beyond the parish.

We thank all parishioners for their financial support to the parish.



Florine Lobo – Chair

Judy Adams

Denise Dove

Flo Banzon

Fr. Charlie Jordan