Request Sacramental / Parish Records

Parish members or non-parishioners who are looking for a record of a sacrament that you or your children received at Most Blessed Sacrament Parish may request sacrament records by contacting the Wendy Charlesworth at the Parish Office (905-385-3570) or via e-mail at

Common requests for sacramental records include:

  • Baptismal Certificate
  • First Communion
  • Confirmation
  • Marriage Certificate

The Baptismal Register is  maintained in the parish in which you were baptized, and your baptismal record, confirmation record, and marriage record should all be there, even if you were confirmed or married in another parish.

If you are currently a Blessed Sacrament parishioner, but received those sacraments elsewhere, you will have to contact the parish of your baptism, or the parish where you received your sacrament(s) for copies of your records.